Canvas in Outlook 馃帹馃摣 Overview

Canvas Apps provide an awesome way of presenting tailored UIs to customers in order to enable them to solve their problems in the best possible way. However, a lot of users still love their Outlook client and seem to spend most of their time writing mails in it. Power Apps already provides a built-in Outlook Add-in to get Model-Driven Apps running in Outlook, but there is no such way for Canvas Apps....

March 19, 2021 路 1 min 路 Mats Necker

Canvas in Outlook 馃帹馃摣 Part 3 - Use mail properties

In the first and second part of our series we learned what we want to achieve and created our first Outlook Add-in which displays our own custom canvas app. Yay! 馃帀 Now we are going to make the whole experience dynamic. Until now the displayed canvas is static in a way, that it is not aware on which mail it is displayed. For that reason, we are going to transfer parameters from the Outlook to the canvas app....

March 11, 2021 路 5 min 路 Mats Necker

Canvas in Outlook 馃帹馃摣 Part 2 - Set up Office Add-in

Embed Canvas apps in Outlook In the first part of our series we looked into what we want to achieve and what the requirements are. So make sure to check out the requirements and set yourself up for this part. Because now we want to actually create a very simple Outlook add-in 馃殌 While Outlook Add-ins uses technology that the average Power Platform maker does not necessarily posses, following this introduction is doable even if your not a developer!...

February 25, 2021 路 4 min 路 Mats Necker

Canvas in Outlook 馃帹馃摣 Part 1 - Introduction

Embed Canvas apps in Outlook Canvas Apps provide an awesome way of presenting tailored UIs to customers in order to enable them to solve their problems in the best possible way. However, a lot of users still love their Outlook client and seem to spend most of their time writing mails in it. Power Apps already provides a built-in Outlook Add-in to get Model-Driven Apps running in Outlook, but there is no such way for Canvas Apps....

February 18, 2021 路 3 min 路 Mats Necker

Hello World 馃殌

Here we are 馃コ I鈥檝e been meaning to start this blog for quite some time, but only now got to it. Might be the developer in me, very stereotypical I focused first on building a blogging site instead of using something pre-made 馃檮 But with that being done -> let the content creating start! 馃殌 My main goal for this blog is to be a repository for all the things I try and build....

February 5, 2021 路 1 min 路 Mats Necker